From Turkey to Belfast
Bryson welcomed a group of business people from Turkey on Friday 29th June. The group are part of a study tour organised by the Berghof Foundation based in Berlin to visit London and Belfast. The project was financed by the German Foreign Office and aims to strengthen a core group of influential members of the Turkish business community in conflict transformation in order to promote dialogue.

The purpose of the London-Belfast trip was to learn about the Northern Ireland peace process and especially the role that businesses and business associations played to find relevant lessons for Turkey. Bryson was delighted to host the group and provide an insight into our work, including our move to becoming a leading social enterprise and our work regarding ethnic groups and especially, Syrian Refugees, employment projects aimed at hard to reach people and communities, and sustainable employment projects and inequalities.
The team from Bryson who met with the Turkish Group included John McMullan, CEO; Eric Randall, Director of Bryson Recycling; Jo Marley, Director of Bryson Intercultural and Liam McNeill, Director of Bryson FutureSkills. It was great opportunity to share experiences between both countries.