Free Household Hazardous Waste Collection
We will be accepting a wide range of hazardous household waste at our sites in Donegal over the next three weekends. The types of materials accepted as part of this FREE service include:
Old Paints, Paint Stripper/Thinner, Inks, Cleaning Agents, Detergents, Disinfectants, Bleaches, Obsolete Medicines, Anti-freeze, Herbicides (weed killers), Pesticides, Insecticides, Aerosols, Waste Oil and Adhesives.
All containers must be labelled and materials clearly identifiable.
Collections will take place on the following dates:
Saturday 30th September
9am – 12pm: Milford Recycling Centre, Moyle Road, Milford
2pm – 5pm: Stranorlar Recycling Centre, Railway Road, Stranorlar
Saturday 7th October
9am – 12pm: Carndonagh Recycling Centre, Railway Road, Carndonagh
2pm – 5pm: Letterkenny Recycling Centre, Carnamuggagh, Letterkenny
Saturday 14th October
9am – 12pm: Dungloe Recycling Centre, Údarás na Gaeltachta, Dungloe
2pm – 5pm: Laghey Recycling Centre, Laghey
Please note that this collection is for Household Hazardous Waste only.
Staff from Bryson Recycling will be available on site to accept any non-hazardous waste at a cost of €4 per standard black bag and sorted recyclable materials for €4 per car load.
For further information please contact: Fiona Kelly, Environment Services Section, Donegal County Council, Three Rivers Centre, Lifford, Co. Donegal T: 074 9153900.