Bryson Strategic Planning 2018 – 2021

Staff from across Bryson have been working hard on developing and finalising our next three year Strategic Plan covering (2018 to 2021). Our plan has been developed using our Social Value Framework.
This Framework was developed in partnership with Ulster University and independently validated with a range of social partners by PwC. Taking into account the changing landscape; the development of the Programme for Government based on Outcomes Based Accountability (OBA) and a possible Social Value Act, we undertook to embed our Framework into our strategic planning process. An innovative strategic planning tool has now been developed based on an Outcomes model which is underpinned by our Framework with a focus on;
- planning to make a social impact,
- delivering social impact and
- evidencing and communicating our social impact.
The new process of strategic planning has been taking place over a number of months with planning sessions and conversations taking place within Group Companies and Group wide to develop the Strategic Plan. Staff and board members attended a Strategy Conference in November 2017 to discuss the Strategic Outcomes and devise Indicators of Success. Following the conference, Group Companies and Corporate Services developed strategies, actions and targets to deliver the Strategic Outcomes. At the Director’s conference in June 2018 we held interactive sessions with staff and Board members to challenge the strategies and make suggestions for improvement. Below you will find a summary of our Social Value Framework, which operates under six key pillars - Stakeholder Involvement, Social Inclusion, Wellbeing, Sustainability, Social Innovation and Reinvestment and under these lie our strategic outcomes.
During the conference we also heard from a range of speakers including Bryson Chair Hugh Crossey; the Head of the NI Civil Service, David Sterling who took the opportunity to launch the 12 month NI Government Delivery Plan during our conference Click here for link to plan ;Rachel Woolliscroft from Wates who spoke about how they as a company work with social enterprises to create social value and Anna Shiel from Big Society Capital. (See photo above).