Bryson Group has become a JAM card friendly business

Bryson is delighted to be part of the JAM card initiative. The JAM card and app lets people with a learning difficulty, autism or communication barrier tell others they need Just A Minute (JAM).
Margaret from Bryson pictured with Francis (Jam card ambassador) alongside Christina from the NOW Group
The JAM Card is a social innovation from NOW Group, an organisation that supports people with learning difficulties and autism into employment. It was their service users who said they would like a discreet way of telling people that sometimes they need a little extra time and patience. The JAM Card was created first as a credit card sized card and has recently been developed into an app for smartphones.
Jam card users present the card in various situations such as when out shopping or on public transport. The JAM Card can be used in any scenario or personal interaction to quickly convey that the person may need a little more time and understanding. The online staff training provided ensures staff are eqipped to provide excellent customer service to people with learning difficulties and communication barriers.
Monica Mahaffy, Bryson Learning and Development Officer explained more,
Many Bryson staff are out working and interacting with the general public during their daily work and we are going to be rolling out on-line training to inform our staff about the JAM card project and how to help someone when they present a JAM card. The awareness training will provide staff with the knowledge they need to ensure that users of the JAM card feel welcome and supported. This is a great initiative and we are delighted to be part of the JAM card club.
You can find out more about the JAM Card at and NOW Group at