A second home for your old running shoes
Ever wondered what to do with your running shoes after you have finished with them? Lots of runners replace their running shoes fairly frequently and end up with a cupboard full of old runners that they no longer use. At Bryson we can help you find a new second home for them.

Join Irish Olympian, Kerry O' Flaherty, who has already donated over 100 pairs of her running shoes to help vulnerable people across Northern Ireland. This initiative, called RefuShoe, was started over 6 years ago by Brendan Quail.
In his current role with Bryson Intercultural he is working with the Vulnerable Syrian Refugee Consortium to support the Syrian Refugees relocated to Northern Ireland. Over the six years he has collected and distributed over 1,000 pairs of shoes to people seeking asylum, refugees and homeless people here in Northern Ireland. He has joined forces with Pure Running, Bryson Intercultural and Homeplus NI to provide handy drop off points for anyone who wishes to donate their old shoes and help this worthy cause.
This is a great initiative and a wonderful way to not only recycle and reuse but also help people in need.
Key collection points are:
- Bryson Intercultural, Bryson House, 28 Bedford Street, Belfast, BT2 7WF
- Pure Running, 60-62 Wellington Pl, Belfast, BT1 6GF
- HomePlus NI, 113 University St, Belfast, Belfast BT7 1HP
Please ensure the runners are clean and tie the laces together so that the pairs are matched up.
We want to thank you for taking the time to support this worthy cause.
Photo above includes Brendan Quail (Bryson Intercultural), Kerry O'Flaherty (Irish Olympian) and Lilian Vellum (Bryson Intercultural).
For more information please see:
www.brysonintercultural.org |
@brysongroup |
www.homeplusni.com |
www.facebook.com/homeplusni/ |
www.purerunning.co.uk |
www.facebook.com/purerunningshop/ |